What is Аctually Мelatonin?

Melatonin, first and foremost, a hormone secreted by the pineal gland, the gland which is located above the rear cross brain.
The pineal gland, along with the digestive tract is a source of melatonin that we need for good health. This hormone regulates our 24-hour rhythm of sleeping and is commonly used in cases of fatigue, sleep disorders and adjust the rhythm of sleep. But this hormone is more of a hormone.

Melatonin is also a very powerful antioxidant can be used to prevent oxidation stress. While nutritionists say that brightly colored fruits and vegetables are the best source of antioxidants, hormones melatonin are also powerful antioxidants. This is interesting because western societies have higher rates of chronic diseases beginning of the industrial revolution. While this may be due to symptoms of vitamin D deficiency of less sun exposure, large exposure to toxins, consuming processed foods and millions of other reasons, it is possible Owada is the result of constant exposure to electric lights at night, causing a reduction on melatonin hormone-meaning fewer antioxidants. Perhaps one of the lesser known works of melatonin that acts as a muscle relaxant of smooth muscle, especially of the digestive tract.

Melatonin administration encourages the improvement of inflamed intestinal diseases such as:

  • Syndromes irritable bowel
  • Kroon disease
  • Digestive Problems that adhere autism
  • Gastro esophageal reflux

As a result, no wonder the claim that the proper amount of sleep accompanied by the production of as much as possible melatonin can help people who have digestive problems.


Reasons melatonin is more than just Hormone GOOD DREAM

  • The potential to treat neurological diseases.
    The antioxidant properties of melatonin has prompted scientists to investigate its potential in the treatment of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Melatonin levels are significantly lower in patients with Alzheimer’s disease.
  • It increases the survival rate of cancer. The link between melatonin and the survival rate is high. A team of scientists found a 34% reduction in relative risk of death from cancer in patients who have melatonin.
  • Protects against damage in stroke. Melatonin limits the area of damage to the brain tissue, reduces the death of brain cells and reduces the rate of death by stroke.
  • Prevents Migraine
    Anti-inflammatory properties of melatonin reduce the frequency and intensity of migraine and two-thirds of people experienced 50% fewer headaches
  • Greeting dream. Melatonin can improve sleep quality and simultaneously reduce the time needed to fall asleep and to increase the total duration of sleep.

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