Spray Your Bed with Alcohol-Good Thing

Alcohol is called to be disinfection. You can use for everything, like disinfection of a wound, and disinfection of your bed, for cleaning and etc.
In addition to this post we are going to present you some replacements for alcohol.

– Deodorant replacement
In case you don’t have a deodorant, you shouldn’t panic. You can use your alcohol at home, and apply on the under arms. It will disinfect the place and eliminate the bad smell.
Do not use this often, because it may irritate your skin.

– Eliminates bed bugs
The bed bugs can also be eliminated with alcohol. You can spray a little bit alcohol on your bed, several days in a row, so you will eliminate the bug.

– Destroys lice
In case you struggle with lice, you can fill a bottle and spray it on the hair, especially on the scalp. After this you will eliminate the dead lace.

– Removes nail polish
In case you use nail polish remover, leave it and use alcohol as natural nail polish remover.
You will waste more time, but the damage will be prevented.

– Cleans the skin
In most of the creams for skin and lotions for acne, and other damaged skin, contain benzyl peroxide. But, the alcohol can fight against problematic skin, and you will feel the difference. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

– Cool Pack
You know that alcohol cannot be frizzed. You can use it as a cooling pad. You can dilute the alcohol with water 1:2. Collect it in a plastic bag and put it in the fridge.

– Cleans the ears
The ears can be cleaned with alcohol. You can make a mixture from vinegar and rubbing alcohol, so with a cotton ball take the liquid and drop it in the ear, so it will clean the ear.

– Removes the ingrown hair
SO, when you shave your under arms, and bikini area, and you will have red dots on the skin. In order to eliminate the dots and irritation, you can apply the alcohol.

Cold sores
Many people are struggling with herpes viruses and those who avoided it is very small number. You need to apply on the affected area isopropyl alcohol.

– Cleans eyeglasses
In case you are wearing glasses you can clean them with some alcohol. And take some soft cloth to wipe them.

– DIY hand sanitizer
You need to clean your hand with rubbing alcohol. For this purpose you will need:
– 4 ounces of Aloe Vera
– Several drops of tea tree oil
– ½ tablespoon isopropyl alcohol