Nasty Pustules? Here Is How You Get Rid of Them

Acne comes in many forms and what we all want is to get rid of it.

If you experience acne in the form of pustules and don’t know what they are, why you get them and how to eliminate them – you have come to the right place.

Read on for everything you need to know about pustules and how to get rid of them for good.


What Are Pustules?

Acne. What Are Pustules? How To Treat Them?

Pustules are pimples with white liquid inside called pus. They are red in color with yellowish / whitish center (the pus).

They show up when you have some sort of infection. The body uses the white blood cells to fight the infection off. That’s why the liquid inside a pustule is whitish.

Pustules must be treated with caution. If popped without care, the pus might fall on the nearby areas and hence spread the infection even more. Popping these can also leave a permanent pimple mark/scar.

Why Do You Get Them?

Pustules show up when you have some sort of infection. The body uses the white blood cells to fight the infection off. That’s why the liquid inside a pustule is whitish.

Pustules must be treated with caution. If popped without care, the pus might fall on the nearby areas and hence spread the infection even more. Popping these can also leave a permanent pimple mark/scar.

Several conditions can lead to pustules:
Acne: When acne causes a pustule, one of the pores in your skin gets so irritated that its walls break.
ChickenpoxThis one is a real bitch! It is typically a childhood disease but it can also be experienced by adults. And this was the case with me. I got it at age of 28 and it literally destroyed my skin. The chickenpox virus causes skin lesions that become pustules as the disease progresses. The pustules can be very very deep and may leave scars, spots and blemishes.
Rosacea: This one usually causes redness and pimples. But in the cases of inflammatory rosacea, pustules are very likely to develop too.
Psoriasis: This condition causes red, itchy and inflamed skin. An infection, or certain medications can trigger the development of pustules (pustular psoriasis).

Here Is How You Get Rid of Pustules

Getting rid of acne is often mistaken with getting rid of the pimples which are only the symptoms of this condition.

 For mild breakouts, over-the-counter acne products can do the trick if you use them daily. But if you regularly break out, you’ll get much better results by taking preventive measures or  with prescription acne medications. 

Here are things you can do to cure and/or prevent your beautiful face from those nasty pustules:

Aloe vera. You can use aloe vera gel to apply on the pimple so that it dries in a few days. Use the gel from the aloe vera leaves to apply topically. You will experience improvements overnight.

Wash your face. Make sure your face is clean. Wash it 2-3 times a day and remember drink lots of water to clean your body from inside.

 Salicylic acid. It is a common active ingredient used in acne treatment products. Salicylic acid works by getting rid of the skin of excess cells that trap sebum and bacteria inside the pores. Once the pore is open, the content of the pustules will dry out. Because salicylic acid is a drying agent, it may cause some redness and dryness. If you go for this kind of treatment, make sure you combine it with products/ingredients treatment which to calm and moisten the skin. Those are soothing ingredients like calendula oil, chamomile essential oil (diluted) and aloe vera.

 Seek dermatologist’s advice. If you get a pustule that is bothersome and you can’t deal with it, make an appointment with a dermatologist who can pop it safely or prescribe you a medicate that will dry the pustule, so it comes off itself.

 Stop picking. Seriously! I know it’s awful to get out of home covered in nasty pimples but popping them will NOT make them any better. Why? Because it can cause the bacteria to travel back under the skin and reappear somewhere else. This is the reason pimples form in clusters in the same areas. They move and travel under the skin due to bad picking habits. Quite often, the same pustule will reform over and over again and it’s an ongoing viscious cycle. So, please, try to resist the urge to do it.

In the video below Cassandra Bankson talks about ways to stop picking pimples. Her skin care journey is long and inspiring.