Homemade Natural Remedy That Kills The Desire For Cigarettes

For the most people who smoke cigarettes it is hard to easily give up this harmful habit.
But many who have tried this recipe claim that it really works. It consists of a few simple ingredients that will help you permanently get rid of the need for a cigarette.


  • Half a grapefruit
  • Half an orange
  • 1 cup of chamomile tea
  • 1 oz jojoba oil
  • 1 oz olive oil
  • 1 oz coconut oil
  • Half teaspoon oregano


Squeeze the grapefruit and the orange and add the remaining ingredients.
Stir until you get a homogeneous mixture, then place it in a practical bottle that you can carry anywhere with you.



Whenever you feel the need for a cigarette, apply just a little part of the mixture under the nose or you can put a small part of it on a tissue and inhale deeply.