3 Minutes Before Sleep: Simple Exercises to Slim Down Your Legs

A few people only are motivated to exercise on a daily basis. Women, in turn, are often hindered from paying attention to themselves because of their engagement in family, home, and work.

If we take fat legs as an example of heath issue, we find a lot of people suffer such problem because of much negligence or laziness. Yet if one gets awareness of good ways to apply the right hacks to life, s/he can, in an easy a way, be involved in precise workouts, the ones which have immensely amazing effects on the body such as the exercises that will be instructed in this article; they help slim your legs and can be performed just before you go to bed.

Most of us are accustomed to the state of putting legs up on the wall while speaking on phone to a dear friend. So why not activating a 3-minute workout at the same time, thus fun and fruit are mixed simultaneously?

How can you make your legs slender?

Four points should be taken into consideration in the workout application:

  • Workout place: a bed.
  • Workout duration: 3 minutes.
  • Workout time: either before going to bed at night, or after you wake up in morning.
  • Frequency of exercise: every day.

1# Toning the front part of the thighs


The front parts of thighs, knees, and abs to be toned.

The start state of the body: Lying on your back, you have arms down on both sides of the body. After that, as you try to raise your legs, you have to reach about a 90-degree angle with your body. After you pull up your toes, have your knees bent one by one; then come to the initial position with your legs. Let your knees closely juxtaposed one to the other and tense the front part of your thighs.

Exercise frequency: 10-12 times for each leg.

Self-check whether it works right: You should have a feeling of warmth in your muscles.

Important note: In the start position, you should keep your knees as straight as you can

2# Toning the back part of the thighs

The front and back part of the thighs, knees, and abs to be toned.

This exercise is composed of 2 parts.

The first part: Lying on your back, raise your legs; pull the toes toward your body. After that, keep holding your knees juxtaposed on to another, have your knees bent changeably. It worth emphasizing that your toes be pulled toward your body as your buttock should be reached bythe heels.

Exercise frequency: 10-12 times for each leg.

The second part: lying on your back, raise your legs and bend a little your knees. Tense the body’s upper part as you raise the buttocks upward a bit.

Exercise frequency: 20-25 times.

Self-check whether it works right: as far as the muscles of the back part of your thighs are tensed; the workout does grow fruitful.

3# Toning the inner part of the thighs

The upper part of the legs, buttocks, and abs to be toned.

The start state of the body: Lying on your back, raise your legs crossed them with your right leg over your left leg. Then keep your knees bent toward the sides till a “plié” movement is made. Now come to the first start position.

Important note: the workout prescribes the legs to be in continuing tension and pressing against each other.

Exercise frequency: 10 times with both: your right leg in the upper position and your left leg in the upper position.

Self-check whether it works right: Feeling leg pressure, knees control.


People who have problems of swollen legs and varices, these exercises can come in handy for them.

Have a look and attention, to jettison of swelling, pain, and the feeling of tiredness in the legs, there is a panacea way; reference here to those which bring about not by facts of a disease but by an unhealthy mode of living, such as sedentary work, the wrong shoes, or a lack of physical activity.

Experts in this field of health recommend 3 simple, effective rules:

  • Walking. People, who walk much, feel over time reduction in legs swell and pain. Experience the rule with comfortable footwear. An optimal amount of walking is 40-60 minutes, and about 3 times a week. Walking is available to the majority of people, why then spending time in driving cars or be driven to work and home in buses and taxis.
  • Exercise for the ankles. Have your ankles bent for about 25 times, pulling your toes toward and away from your body. This exercise help smooth blood flow within the body and pushes to get rid of excess liquid.
  • Swimming or water aerobics are as useful as the two abovementioned ones. As you struggle against water pressure, you contribute over time to the good circulation of blood in the limbs.

Now, how do your experiences come with these methods of improving the legs health? In the comment box, let us know your opinion.