Chinese Face Map Reveals What Part of Your Body Is Sick and How To Fight It

YES, you got that right! This Chinese facial map shows which part of your body is sick and the best way to treat it! This method has been used for thousands of years. According to the experts, this method is very useful and effective because the skin on your face is too sensitive, which means that it’s the first one to react to internal problems and changes. As we said, every part of the face is associated with internal organs, which means that every imbalance in your organism is manifested on the skin of your face (pimples, rashes, and color changes). Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Forehead – Bladder and small intestine

Cause:the most common cause is excessive consumption of fat and canned foods, alcohol sugar, night life and stress.

Cure:make sure you drink plenty of water, eat your food raw, do not drink too much alcohol and get descent sleep. Simple, right?

  1. The area between the eyebrows – Liver

Cause: “Full stomach cannot work properly, and all those red meats and allergies can make the problem even worse.

Cure: you should consume more fresh and healthy food. Walk outside, and get some fresh air. Yoga, fast walking and meditation can also be of great help.

  1. Eyebrow arch – Kidneys

Cause: the most common causes are cigarettes, alcohol, circulation issues and weak heart muscle

Cure: you should drink plenty of water, cut off caffeine, sweetened drinks and alcohol.

  1. Nose – Heart

Cause: the most common causes are pollution, spending time in closed areas, flatulence, bloating, and poor circulation. Hypertension can also cause changes in this part of your face.

Cure: you need to regulate your cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Drink organic green tea regularly and exercise every day.

  1. Upper cheek area – Lungs

Cause: the most common causes are smoking, pollution and asthma.

Cure: this is very important for you to remember – you should avoid spending time in polluted areas, and rooms filled with cigarette smoke. Smokers should quit smoking as soon as possible. Exercise more often.

  1. Cheeks: Lungs and kidneys

Cause: the most common causes are: smoking, stress, unhealthy dietary habits, and too much sugars.

Cure: first of all, you should eliminate unhealthy food from your diet, and use high-quality skin care products.

  1. Mouth and chin – Stomach

Cause: the most common causes are sugary stuff, caffeine and alcohol. Problems in this part of the face are associated with excessive consumption of spicy foods, staying up late at night, and stress.

Cure: you should consume fresh fruits. But, if the problem is persistent, consult your doctor.

  1. Jaw and neck: Hormones

Cause: the most common causes are: processed food, seasoned food, and dehydration. Caffeine may be also the reason for your problems in this area.

Cure: so, you should avoid salt, seasonings, and caffeine. Do not forget to drink plenty of water throughout the day.